Archive | December 2011

Happy Happy 2012

Hi everyone!!!  I hope this finds you doing better than well and looking forward to the brand new year.  For the past 2 weeks the words awesome and extraordinary keep popping into my brain when I think of 2012.

So from me to all you, I wish you an extraordinary new year and I know that each and every day will be amazing for you all.  Just look for the small things and there will be magic.

I have my 4 page Intention List made and am so looking forward to how everything works out.  The Internet radio show I will be co-hosting with my colleague and friend Diane airs for the first time this Thursday January 5th at 9:00 pm ET  It will be amazing.  Diane is a wonderful Life Coach and human bean :o)  You are going to love her.  You can find us at  If you want to call in with a question the number is 347-838-9715  We also have a chat room that is available after the show.  You can also email us.  The info for that is on the radio show page and my website

So, be happy, be content, take some risks, live out loud, dance in the rain, color outside the lines and remember, Making a small difference is just as beneficial as a large one….sometimes even more!!!

Love & Peace Always

Sarah© 2012

Lesson #20 Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion…..or a God Law

Newton’s 3rd of of motion states…For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  This statement it may seem rather contradictory.  So, here goes in people terms.  The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. The direction of the force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object. Forces always come in pairs – equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.  It is even better to say…what goes around comes around, some folks call it Karma, some say what you give is what you get.

Nonetheless I think it is simply cause and effect.  When we throw a stone in a still pond it causes ripples.  As far as intention goes, before you take any action, stop and make clear your intention. Make sure your intentions are good, and good is what will be returned to you.  Intention is what causes the effect.

I happen to call this one of God’s Laws.  If you don’t have God, whomever or whatever is your higher power can be used.  When you are dealing with this law, you must walk, eat, sleep, and breathe your talk.  

We as people are energy.  I big, walking, talking form of energy.  We have the ability to affect people and things around us.  If we step off a boat onto the bank of a lake: as we move in the direction of the shore, the boat tends to move in the opposite direction (leaving us facedown in the water, if we aren’t careful)!  Every action we take creates a reaction in the world.  The total of all those actions is what we call our LIFE.

If you happen to be a person that is angry, you will without fail, attract angry people and situations into your life over and over again.  It’s similar to the definition of insanity some people use:  doing the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different result.  It just isn’t going to work.  If you want love, hope, wellness, prosperity, compassion, energy, flexibility, that is what needs to go out from your very core.

When we have made an intention that we want peace, calmness, happy people, etc., in our lives, it often means we must give up those people of situations that are the opposite of that.  There are people in my own life that I have basically had to separate myself from because they cause me hurt, both physically and emotionally.  Do I miss them, of course!  I also hope, pray and have made an intention that there will be reconciliation with them.

Take a really good look at yourself in the mirror.  What do you really want to be in this world?  Someone that attracts goodness or someone who thrives on chaos.  If you died tomorrow, what words would be used in your eulogy to describe you and your life?

I had an illness.  It was called the Dis-ease to Please.  If anyone wanted anything they came to me.  Why?  Was I the best?  Was I the go to person?  None of those things.  I lacked the ability to say NO.  Now I use that word without guilt or regret and feel so much better for it.  If you have the dis-ease also, the cure is NO.  If you are going to do something for someone or some event or cause, please do it with love and without expectation of reward.  Do things for love or don’t bother to do anything.

Cause and effect, what goes around comes around, as a man thinks so he is…..  Intention to me is a spirit practice, wishing is a head thing and dreams are dreams.

Love & Peace Always

                                                                                                                          Sarah© 2011



Lesson #19 My Intentional To-Do List

This is just an example of my to-do list.  It is fairly close to the real thing.  If you have any questions about living with intention, just let me know and I will do all I can to help you.

1.  Wake up totally well rested and so very grateful for the chance to honor a new day.

(How do I know I will be well rested?  The evening before I went to sleep, I made an intention to wake up that way)

2.  Spend some time just being.  Drink some awesome tea and listen to some none chaotic music.

3.  Do my morning prayers and meditation.

4.  Fix and eat healthy foods throughout the day.  (I need to eat 5 times a day)  I do not like to eat.  My intention to cover that is… I Love Food and Eating)

5.  Exercise  (For me exercise means walking, doing some yoga stretches or dancing around my living room for 30 minutes)  Our bodies are like machines…if you don’t use a car for say 6 months I promise it will either not start or the tires will have gone flat.  Most of us take better care of our stuff than ourselves.

6.  Complete my daily to-do list and use any left over time to do extra.  Yes, I have an actual to-do list.  I have found that if I pick one room a day to dust, sweep, and pick up I avoid doing all my cleaning in the same day or days.

7.  Set aside time for my friends and family.  I love to write handwritten notes and cards and send them to people I am thinking about.  I stay in touch with my adult children by simply texting an I love xoxoxox or sending an email.  I call at least once a week.

8.  I do something that I know will cause me to laugh out loud.  When my husband leaves for work he always says either do something that makes you smile or laugh out loud.

9.  Read a book.  I love to read.  I usually read 5-7 books a week and I love taking time to read, especially outside or all cozied up on a cold or rainy day.

10.  Do something for someone else whether I know them or not, or learn something new and interesting or do something positive that increases the joy ratio in my space of the world.

11.  Journal.  I have been journaling since I was 4.  I have three types of journals that I write in each day.  I have a prayer journal where I list prayer requests I receive.  I love it when I look back at my prayer journals and see in RED ink…YES.  This means that the prayer was answered.  My 2nd journal is my gratitude journal.  Each day I write down the things that occurred that I am grateful for.  My last journal is filled with things I thought of, funny sayings I made up, or I add to my Sarahism’s.  These are words I make up for daily use.  Most of my friends know them, but I love making up new ones.  So each and every day I take time to write.

12.  End my day peacefully.  Say my prayers and a big thank you for the chance to be available to anyone who is need.

As I said, this is an example….but it happens to be today’s to-do list.  It is my intention to encourage and inspire you to do something like this.  You  might notice there was no time for drama, chaos, or frenzy and today for example, there was none.

Sweet Dreams and Peace Always

                                                                                                                       Sarah© 2011


Lesson #18 Un-Clutter Your Way Into 2012

The major gift giving season is coming to a close and it’s time to sit down with paper and pen and take stock of what you own.  What is living in your closets??

I made an intention long ago that if I have not worn or used something in 1 year, it had to find a new home.  The odd thing is, I am not a shopper.  I get my clothes at thrift stores and I also make my own clothes.  I have a certain style and the best description I have for it is Bohemian Funky.  I give my clothes away often to the homeless kids I know but my closet continues to fill up with more clothes.  It all boils down to the fact that the more you give something away….clothes, love, hope, encouragement, etc., the more you get it back.  I love how that works.

So tomorrow, I will check out my closet and whatever I haven’t worn in a year I will bag up and share with other people.  Then I will look around the house and see what books might be shared somewhere.  I guarantee you that this time next year I will have more books and clothes than I gave away.

I collect two things…angels and lighthouses.  Both have a tremendous spiritual meaning to me.  When I know that someone is ill or is going through a rough patch I will pick from my collections and give them something.  And don’t you know that in just a short time I will receive a new angel or lighthouse.

If you have children and they just received new toys it a great time to recycle the older ones.  Clean them up and donate them.  There are several places that can really use them and as long as you don’t give away your child’s favorite toy, they probably will not notice the older ones have found new homes.  This is also an awesome teachable moment for your child to start to understand sharing.

Living this life of intention is amazing.  My home is uncluttered and I always have more of everything than I really need.  Normally close to the end of winter I have given away all my coats, but that’s okay because I love layering sweaters.

Be kind to yourself and your home, clean them out and watch what happens.  It is very cool indeed.

Sarah© 2011



Lesson #3 The 5 D’s of Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa!

During my life I have come to know there are 5 D’s that can really make a mess of the  holiday or any other special time.  The first is DISTANCE!  So many families no longer live in the same city or even the same state or country.  The absence of a family member or friends can be hard, but there are ways to make all of that better.  The phone doesn’t cure everything but it sure helps.  Call your absent friends and family members, it will help.  You can also do something very cool and create your own family.  Blood is not the only thing that connects people.  Reach out to people you have similar interests with, or who are alone themselves.  Start some new traditions with your adopted family.  It can be magical and ease the sadness you might feel.  The second D is DEBT!  It’s a wee bit late to do anything about how much you spent on shopping this year.  But, if you make an intention to do things simpler next year, you and your bank account will feel much better.  Make an intention to be creative and make some gifts and spend way less.  You don’t even have to be creative to do it.  Make a list of ideas and you will be surprised how happy people will be with the simplest gifts.  Once I bought lots of quart size mason jars.  I got some scrap fabric and some batting for quilts, super glue, and construction paper.  I cut the fabric a little bit bigger than the lid, took some batting and glued the batting to the inner seal.  I cover the batting with the fabric and it looked a bit like a pin cushion but it was nice.  I cut out hundreds of hearts from all the different colored pages of construction paper.  You could cut out stars, whatever you like, but I chose hearts.  On each heart I wrote something, folded them in half and put them in the jars.  Here are just a few things I wrote.  “You are amazing”, “treat yourself to a good old fashioned shave at the barber shop”, “this entitles you to one big hug”, “Good for one car wash from me”.  I did hundreds of them.  Then I took a piece of paper, cut out a larger heart and wrote…”A heart a day keeps the blues away.”  I punched a hole in that heart and attached twine to it and wrapped it around the lid.  Those were the gifts I gave people.  Keep things simple.  I have never known anyone to keel over if they din’t max out their credit cards.  The third D is DEATH.  Most of us have lost someone.  The holidays really make that loss feel even harder to bear.  When I lost my dad to cancer I thought my life might end.  It didn’t end and I went on with wonderful memories of him in my heart and mind.  I have lost many people in my life so I have a special journal for them.  I write their names and start listing all the cool, wonderful, loving things about them and times we spent together.  When a special occasion comes or if an ordinary day happens and I find myself falling into sadness, I get that journal out and I read about them and all we shared together.  I will never forget them or stop loving them, but time has a magical way of bringing healing to us, if we let it.  And those we have lost would not want us to be sad.  The fourth D is DIVORCE.  If you knew my life story, you would find what I am about to write totally crazy.  I do not like divorce.  I really think it is way to easy to leave a marriage than it is to stay and put in the effort and love it takes to make it wonderful.  Now if there is abuse of any kind in a marriage, get out as fast as you can.  Divorce is even worse when children are involved.  Set an intention to be kind to your former partner.  Don’t let the children get all tangled up in the mess of it all.  When the holidays arrive, be fair.  It is hard to be away from your children, but when you are with them make that time count.  It’s not about the quantity, it’s all about the quality.  Talk  or write with/to  your former partner and decide together what gifts you will get the children.  Don’t try to buy your children’s love, it does not work and in the long run it will backfire on you.  Make the holidays as special for them as you can, because the holidays are for them after all.  The last D is DRAMA.  Avoid it at all costs by any means necessary.  It is not healthy, it’s not happy, and no one needs it.  So let’s say you are supposed to go somewhere for the holidays that makes you feel ill just thinking about it.  Make an intention and don’t go.  Share with whomever you need to that going there makes you feel uncomfortable and you will do something else.  If you are fighting with a family member and you are supposed to be together during a holiday make an intention to forgive before the holiday gets here.  If that is not possible, think about visiting the family when that person or persons aren’t around.  There is no reason to dread the holidays.  Don’t worry how clean your house is, or how fancy you have decorated things, or how big your tree is.  Relax and breathe.  Make things simple.  Simple is good, healthy, and healing.  Play games, sing songs, share your funniest holiday stories with each other.  Please remember, it is NOT about us at all.

Love & Peace Always

Sarah© 2011

Lesson #2 *** Words *** Word *** Words ***

This Is What I Know For Sure Today:
Last week a 12 year old girl took her life because she was being bullied incessantly, and it appears that she could no longer take it.
Earlier this week an 11/12 year old boy who was bullied at home and school shot a couple of students-killed a teacher-then himself…he left a suicide note. Tuesday or yesterday a 14 year old boy who was bullied as a young child became a bully himself and shot and killed his 24 year old teacher. What it comes down to is this…bullies are not born they are created. And only WE can make the difference in the lives of the kids and others.
What a child sees and hears they learn; what they learn they practice; what they practice they become.
Words have more power than you can imagine. If used with care, words can hear, they will cause laughter, they inspire hope. On the other hand, words can destroy, they can harm, they can cause chaos and drama.
I love words. I am also very aware and cautious about what I say and what I write. As the saying goes, you can’t unring a bell. Once you’ve said something or written something, it is out there forever.
As you know, I watch people a lot. I also listen to the way they speak and the words they use. Things like; I am broke, I will never get another job, I hate you, why was I ever born, those people are going to give me a heart attack. And if I am around these people as they age…who who have said these things; I can guarantee you that they will never have enough money, never love the job they have, and will spend too much time wishing they were dead, and people who talk about the heart attack, headache, back ache will get those exact thing into their lives’. There is a saying, “what you think about, you bring about.” In the bible a scripture says, ‘as a man thinks so he is”. God SPOKE the world into existence. Do you see the power words have?
I have worked with so many people that believe they have no worth, no value, wish they had never been born, believe that they are inherently bad, that they a stupid or they were a mistake and worse.
You can build someone up with words, you can help them heal, you can encourage them to risk trying something they really want to do. Words can be soothing. They can help others feel love and hope. They can also cut people like a knife. One word from an adult can change a child’s life in a negative way forever. One word from an adult can improve the quality of a child’s self-esteem forever.
I want to encourage you to take time to speak if you are angry. I want to encourage you not to send that letter you wrote in haste when you were hurt. I want to encourage you to never use words that are demeaning and hurtful around a child.
If you are blessed enough to be given the chance to encourage someone who is broken, hurting, alone, afraid, ill, hopeless….please use that opportunity for the better. If everyone would just think before they speak or write something, many people would not be hurting now.
Remember the power of words and use them with wisdom.
I am sending you all pink, happy-happy-happy huggz.

Sarah-Pink Welch ©2013

Facebook: Sarah-Pink’s Promise

Facebook:  Sarah-Pink’s PromiseBeCarefulWithWords1

Lesson #7 Gifts, Santa Claus, and All That Jazz

It is probably fair to say that people are still out shopping for Christmas on this Thursday evening.

As I recall, I started hearing Christmas ads in October which I found to be totally insane.  I love Christmas but all the shopping and things isn’t what Christmas is supposed to be about.  I feel sad for children these days and as a child I remember hearing my dad say the very same thing.  So maybe some things haven’t changed so much.  I just wish kids were able to use their imagination or better still be encouraged to find some.

As you know I am a Jesus believer.  I’m not religious but I am spiritual.  So all the shopping and racing around looses me.  I make gifts as often as I can and keep my ‘Giving” list short.  Very short. I would rather give my time, clothes I never wear, some homemade cookies, or do some Christmas caroling in the neighborhood than buy things that don’t last.  Not that cookies will last, but folks seem to remember those.  🙂

Santa claus comes from a real man; Saint Nicholas who lived in the 4th century.  You should check him out, he was a very interesting guy and really gives an honest reality check to our present day Santa Claus.  Now we are all about electronics and gadgets.  What happened to traditions??  What has happened to our families??

Jesus is the reason for Christians to celebrate Christmas and with our infinite human intellect we have really messed that up.

I think it would be so great if no one could shop for anything until the week before Christmas or better yet, we had to make our own gifts to give.  Kids in Cincinnati are hungry and cold, it’s raining right now and I know that some are outside and they are wet.  But, no…we shop.  We party like there’s no tomorrow.  Kids write letters to Santa Claus and their parents max out their credit cards just to make sure everyone stays happy.

Take your children to a soup kitchen and volunteer.  Read them the Christmas story; the real one that is in the Bible.  Ask them to gather up all the toys they never play with anymore…clean them up and donate them to a hospital or daycare center.  Take them for a walk in the park and talk about what is real and hope filled.  I have yet to find hope in my computer.  Help them get their imagination in gear.   Make popcorn and string it up for your tree then feed the squirrels the popcorn later.  Make a gingerbread house from scratch then let the birds have it.

Traditions begin with us.  We pass them on to our children and if we are really smart and use our imaginations Christmas can really mean something again.

Love & Peace Always

                                                                                                             Sarah© 2011


Lesson #4 Chances….How Many??

Have you ever made a mistake?  Did you ever hurt another person?  Well, I have made many mistakes and even though I never meant to hurt anyone, I have.  But, I have also been given 2nd, 3rd, 11th, and 23rd chances to do things right.

I am not asking anyone to become someone’s doormat or whipping post.  That would be called abuse.  But, if someone did not do something correctly and it affected you in a negative way, what do you have to loose by giving them another chance?  Nothing.  It all goes back to the forgiveness thing I wrote earlier.  There is a whole lot of relief and reward in giving folks another chance.  I have yet to meet a perfect person on the planet.

Now if someone continues to do the same negative thing, you have the right to say, sorry no more.

Another chance gives people the opportunity to learn something, to have a clean slate, to make things better than they were before.  Chances can actually help people start over.  If it weren’t for the many chances I have been given…I would not be writing this now.

Take some time to see who you can given another chance to.  The rewards can be awesome.

Love & Peace

Sarah-Pink Welch © 2011

Face: Sarah-Pink Promise


Lesson #1 No Regrets

Have you ever had a dream to do something or be something that you’ve never done or been?  It is NEVER to late to do or be.  Now this isn’t about a Bucket List or the 100 things to see before you die, this is about being a pitcher on a Major League baseball team, or about dancing in Swan Lake. You may not actually become the ballplayer of the century, but you can show up at training camps and ask to pitch a few balls.  You may not be a ballerina but you can take up ballroom dancing and have a blast.  There is always a way to do or be your dream.  You have the power to make things happen.  A little research here and there and the doors will begin to open.  So let’s say you have about 50 paintings you have created and they’re stored away in the attic.  Visit the library, visit a craft store, visit a nursing home or hospital; ask if they would like to hang your art for display?  I am willing to say they won’t turn you down.  You will not only fulfill your dream but you will help a lot of people smile or dream themselves.  You write poetry.  Visit those those same places and offer to do a poetry reading.  People will love it and your dream is a reality not a regret.  Our world was built on dreams.  The car, electric, phones, records, going to the moon.  So dance, throw the strike balls, jump out of a perfectly good airplane, sing out loud, join a small theater group and LIVE OUT LOUD. No Regrets!!!!!!

Sarah-Pink Welch© 2011

Facebook: Sarah-Pink’s Promise

Lesson #6 Forgiveness

Holding a grudge or staying angry at someone or at situations does nothing to anyone or anything but ourselves.  It’s unhealthy, causes us to lose sleep, pumps up our blood pressure, causes us to lose sleep, we feel negative and depressed and usually the people or situations we are upset about are doing just fine.  Odd how that works, but that’s how it is.

The best thing to do is forgive as soon as you can.  We are human and never forget what might have hurt us, but trust me, it is better for us to forgive and make a positive intention to let it go.

If it’s not possible or not safe to forgive in person, write a letter.  Put all the angry, bitters stuff on paper and let it sit a day or two.  Then, burn it, shred it, throw it away….and leave it alone.

If you have hurt someone, and it’s possible and safe to talk with the person, then get busy and ask their forgiveness.  It sounds really hard, even frightening, but once it’s finished you will feel better.

Then be a bit cautious about rushing right back in to the same issue you had.  Do your best to watch what and how you say things or do things in the future.  Sometimes in our busyness we forget that other people have feelings too.

Make it your intention to make a list of things that need forgiveness, whether it’s on your end or someone else’s.  And in the next week start the forgiveness process, you will feel and be free.

Sarah© 2011