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Lesson #20 Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion…..or a God Law

Newton’s 3rd of of motion states…For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  This statement it may seem rather contradictory.  So, here goes in people terms.  The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. The direction of the force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object. Forces always come in pairs – equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.  It is even better to say…what goes around comes around, some folks call it Karma, some say what you give is what you get.

Nonetheless I think it is simply cause and effect.  When we throw a stone in a still pond it causes ripples.  As far as intention goes, before you take any action, stop and make clear your intention. Make sure your intentions are good, and good is what will be returned to you.  Intention is what causes the effect.

I happen to call this one of God’s Laws.  If you don’t have God, whomever or whatever is your higher power can be used.  When you are dealing with this law, you must walk, eat, sleep, and breathe your talk.  

We as people are energy.  I big, walking, talking form of energy.  We have the ability to affect people and things around us.  If we step off a boat onto the bank of a lake: as we move in the direction of the shore, the boat tends to move in the opposite direction (leaving us facedown in the water, if we aren’t careful)!  Every action we take creates a reaction in the world.  The total of all those actions is what we call our LIFE.

If you happen to be a person that is angry, you will without fail, attract angry people and situations into your life over and over again.  It’s similar to the definition of insanity some people use:  doing the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different result.  It just isn’t going to work.  If you want love, hope, wellness, prosperity, compassion, energy, flexibility, that is what needs to go out from your very core.

When we have made an intention that we want peace, calmness, happy people, etc., in our lives, it often means we must give up those people of situations that are the opposite of that.  There are people in my own life that I have basically had to separate myself from because they cause me hurt, both physically and emotionally.  Do I miss them, of course!  I also hope, pray and have made an intention that there will be reconciliation with them.

Take a really good look at yourself in the mirror.  What do you really want to be in this world?  Someone that attracts goodness or someone who thrives on chaos.  If you died tomorrow, what words would be used in your eulogy to describe you and your life?

I had an illness.  It was called the Dis-ease to Please.  If anyone wanted anything they came to me.  Why?  Was I the best?  Was I the go to person?  None of those things.  I lacked the ability to say NO.  Now I use that word without guilt or regret and feel so much better for it.  If you have the dis-ease also, the cure is NO.  If you are going to do something for someone or some event or cause, please do it with love and without expectation of reward.  Do things for love or don’t bother to do anything.

Cause and effect, what goes around comes around, as a man thinks so he is…..  Intention to me is a spirit practice, wishing is a head thing and dreams are dreams.

Love & Peace Always

                                                                                                                          Sarah© 2011
